Staffing 2024/2025
Senior Leadership Team
- Executive Headteacher: Mrs J Turner
- Co-Head of School: Mr A Hall (Sports Premium Leader)
- Co-Head of School: Mr M Maynes (Maths Strategic Leader)
- KS2 Assistant Head: Mr F Rizzo
- KS1 Assistant Head: Miss J Gillon
- EYFS Leader: Miss F Hopkins
- SENDCo: Miss J Gillon (Contact:
Teaching staff
- Reception: Miss Hopkins (EYFS & Phonics and Early Reading Leader)
- Reception: Mrs Hall (RE Leader)
- Year 1: Miss Murphy (PE Leader)
- Year 1: Mrs Rizzo (DT Leader) & Mrs Wright (Art Leader)
- Year 2: Miss Grandy
- Year 2: Mrs Beecroft (PSHE Leader) & Miss Gillon (SEND Leader)
- Year 3: Miss Toland (Science Leader)
- Year 3: Mr Davies (Computing Leader)
- Year 4: Mrs Gill (Maths and MfL Leader)
- Year 4: Miss McCullagh
- Year 5: Miss Williams
- Year 5/6: Mrs Murphy-Cheshire (Writing and History Leader)
- Year 6: Mr Rizzo (English Strategic Lead including Oracy)
- PPA (Music): Mrs Wootton (Music Leader)
- PPA: Mrs Harris (Geography Leader)
- PPA: Mrs Cartwright (Geography Leader)
Teaching Assistants
- Miss Turner
- Miss Knott
- Mrs Gosling
- Mrs Logan
- Mrs Parry
- Mrs Jackson
- Miss Payne
- Mrs Livesey
- Miss Wyld
- Mrs Holden
- Mrs Bains (HLTA)
- Mrs Webb
- Mrs Langston
- Mrs Barnsley
School Office
- Mrs Evans (Office Manager)
- Miss Leech (Finance & Admin Assistant)
Site Management
- Mr Homer (Site Manager)
- Mrs Bishop (Cleaning Staff)
- Mrs Allsopp (Cleaning Staff)
- Mrs Teare (Cleaning Staff)
Lunchtime Supervisors
- Mrs Collins
- Mrs Tierney
- Mrs Chaudhry
- Mrs Hallahan
- Mrs Whitehouse
- Mrs Walker
- Mrs Hawkins
- Mrs Kaur
- Mrs Parry
- Mrs Dhari
Before & After School Club
- Mrs James
- Miss Knott
- Mrs Livesey
- Mrs Tierney
- Mrs Wyld